UNESCO launched the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme in 1991 as an international action plan for academic solidarity to strengthen inter-university co-operation with particular emphasis on support to higher education in the developing countries.
The programme works towards establishing and reinforcing strong and durable linkages amongst higher education and scientific institutions worldwide and at facilitating the transfer of knowledge while combating the brain drain. Special attention is paid to providing assistance through inter-regional and (sub)regional linkages.
The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme encompasses a broad spectrum of activities requiring very flexible modes of action. It is based on genuine, equal partnership among the higher education institutions which initiate various projects within its framework.
Two types of closely interrelated and interdependent activities have emerged as the base for the major strategies for implementing the Programme: inter-university networks and international UNESCO Chairs. While individual chairs responding to specific needs are possible, the programme endeavours to create the proper conditions to allow each chair to be a focal point of a network or to be a part of a network.
The UNITWIN network on Interreligious studies
Deputy Chair
Academic secretary
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog,
Deputy head of the Chair for Cultural Theory and Practice of Culture
of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of
the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Current research interests: philosophy of culture, culturology, social
and cultural anthropology, aesthetics, musicology. |
International associate, UNESCO Chair on Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue; psychologist.
Current research interests: psychological aspect of interreligious and interfaith dialogue. |
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Professor, Chair of Political Psychology, St. Petersburg State
University; Professor, Chair of General History, Russian (Herzen)
State Pedagogic University; Professor, St. Petersburg Orthodox
Theological Academy; Ph. D. (History), Doctor of Philosophy,
Current research interests: History of the Ancient East, ancient
languages, political psychology.
Vladimir S. ZHIDKOV
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, The Head of Section for Humanities of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, Ph.D., Professor
Current research interests: systems approach to culture; synergetics in humanities; cultural politics; multiculturalism; history of Russian and Soviet theatre. |
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Leading researcher, Sector for Comparative History of Culture; Honourary Professor, UNESCO Chair on Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue, D.Sc., Professor, Honoured worker of science of Russia.
Current research interests: history of Russian culture, history of the Russian emigration, history of Russian art and literature, cultural aspects of technological progress. |
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Chairholder, Chair of Theory and History of Culture, St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts; Ph.D., Professor; Honoured worker of science of Russia; full member, Russian academy of natural sciences.
Current research interests: the History of Cultural research, Theory of Culture, Sociology of Youth, Sociology of Elites, Russian cultural area, issues of higher education, virtualistics. |
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Chairholder, Chair of Theory and History of Culture, Russian State Pedagogical University; Ph.D., Professor, Honoured worker of higher education of Russia.
Current research interests: theory and history of culture, philosophy of culture, history of art, history of artistic culture of Central Asia, history of cultures of the peoples and regions of Russia and Eurasia. |
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Head researcher, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences; rector, St.Thomas Institute for Philosophy, Theology, and History; Ph.D., Professor.
Current research interests: research on religious experience, mystical and altered state of consciousness, prayer practices. |
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Editor-in-chief, International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research “Manuscripta Orientalia”, Ph.D., Professor.
Current research interests: Koran research, history of Russian-Arab relations. |
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Senior researcher, Sector of comparative history of culture; head, St. Petersburg Plato Society; Ph. D., Professor.
Current research interests: ancient philosophy and culture. |
Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Director, Institute for Synergetic Anthropology; D.Sc., Professor, Honoured worker of science of Russia; member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Current research interests: philosophical anthropology, religious philosophy, synergetic anthropology. |
Associate Professor |
Associate Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual
Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-religious Dialog, Historian of the
Current research interests: Pilgrimage as Sociocultural Phenomenon, Forgetting in Culture. |
UNESCO Chair in Comparative Religious Studies (592), established in 2002 at Saint-Joseph University, (Lebanon)
PARTNERSHIPSCollege of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oregon. Oregon Humanities Center
Center Leo Apostel (CLEA), Brussels Free University
(Brussels, Belgium)
Center for XX Century Studies, Milwaukee University, Milwaukee
(Wisconsin, USA)
European Society for Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT) - Lund university, Department of Theology and Religious Studies
(Lund, Sweden)
The Elijah School for the Study of the Wisdom of the World Religions
(Jerusalem, Izrael)